Friday, March 28, 2008

Before We Meet

Here are my scripture references for our discussion. I'll post the results of the evening over the weekend. I hope you find them helpful.

References opposing Homosexuality:

Lev 18:22; Lev 20:13; Romans 1:24-32; 1 Cor 6:9-11;1 Tim 1:8-11; Genesis 18:16-19:29; Judges 19:22-20:11

References supporting Heterosexuality:

Gen. 2:24; 1 Tim 3:2; Matt 19:4-6; Eph 5:22-33;

This is also modeled in how God created Adam and Eve (Not Adam and Steve) as well as in every other area of creation where it is male and female (in both plants and animals)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Bonfires Have Begun

Thank you to everyone who participated in our bonfire last Friday night. It was a real blessing to worship with all of you and to discuss some of the issues facing you in your lives. In case you weren't there, here's what you missed.

We began our time with singing and discussing some of the common songs we sing in Oasis. There was a lot of praise to God for His mercy as we sang songs like Come Thou Fount and Thy Mercy. I'm very grateful for the reminders I received from you about those particular songs. After that we discussed what we should address in our discussion times for future bonfires. I was interested to see what topics would be helpful to get a Biblical perspective on so you could better share the gospel with your friends if they were interested in these issues. Here is the list of questions and topics you were interested in:

-Living with your significant other
-Pre-marital sex
-Having a pure mind
-Praying and reading
-The truth of the Bible
-Mormonism & Jehovah's Witnesses
-Being tolerant and objective of other views
-What really saves us
-What about the "innocents"

These are all great topics of discussion. Each week we'll tackle one of them and see what the Bible has to say about it and how we can springboard from this topic to what really matters, namely, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our next bonfire will be on March 28 and we'll be discussing the topic of Homosexuality. I would encourage you to explore the links on this page to find articles about this topic to prepare yourself for the discussion coming up. Feel free to comment on the upcoming topic, ideas for new topics, suggestions for new songs, or requests for prayer. I'll see you all later. Keep sowing the seed for the Kingdom.