Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Attitude $$$

Well, the conference is fast approaching (1 month left), and so is the final bill. Here is what you are going to be responsible for as far as payment. We will be putting a bulletin anouncement in this week asking people for projects for us to do in order to raise money to cover the $145 each that the registration costs. Transportation is being taken care of by the church and the Sterns. That leaves food. If each of you could be responsible for your food costs, that would be excellent. We will be having around 6 meals at the conference that aren't provided, so if you could bring enough money to cover that, plus additional personal expenses (books from the bookstore, souvenirs, etc.) that would be excellent. I'll have more info on the projects on Saturday morning. Thanks guys, and see you later.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

An Early Meeting

Gentlemen of the Creative Caribou Coffee table, thanks for a great discussion last weekend. For those of you who couldn't make it, Jonah, Anthony, Dwayne and I had a great time at Caribou, indulging in the common grace of good coffee and specific grace of God's word. It was profitable to better understand the elements of common grace and what our response should be to those revelations.

In regards to our upcoming meeting, I would request that we meet 1 hour earlier to accomodate a trip my family is taking on Saturday with the Szobodys. If that's not possible, we'll have to work something else out. Let me know if any of you can't come because of an 8:00 meeting. Also, we need to come up with some fundraising ideas for our trip. I'm open to any suggestions. Just post them in the comments section or give me a call or email. That's it for now. Adios amigos...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Resurrection and Redemption

Gentlemen of the mulched and fertilized table, I bring you greetings. After the week off, I hope you are ready to continue in our study. As I looked at the upcoming chapter, I realized that it is very short, so what I would like to do is discuss chapters 16-17 for next week. That will finish up our discussion of Christ and begin our discussion on Redemption.
I know of few of you will be gone, but I'm not exactly sure who that will be. If those of you who won't be there would let me know on Wed. or just leave a comment, I would appreciate it.
I'll see you on Wed. or Sat. Have a profitable week.

Monday, April 02, 2007

No Meeting, but the Service must continue

Gentlemen of the dirty table, I hope all of you are planning on attending the service day this coming Saturday morning at our normal Bible Study time. It's a great opportunity to be an example to your fellow students and also to serve the Lord by serving the church. Plan on meeting again the following week to continue our study on the person of Christ.

For those of you who can, I plan on watching the NCAA Tourney finals tonight after 24. It should go 'til around 11pm. I'll see a number of you tonight as we cheer for Jack to defeat terrorism. Adios muchachos.